CBN Interacts With Home Guards In Vijayawada

Hon’ble Minister of State for Human Resource Development, held at the Indira Gandhi Municipal Ground in Vijayawada on Monday, thanked Chief Minister Chandrababu for his daily wages of Rs.300 to 600.

Chandrababu, who participated in the program, said, “The state government is not looking for separate parties and police. The economy was first supported by the Hoganans. Congratulations to be a nonsense of discipline. The Chief of Police told the police that the use of technology should be utilized for the protection of peace and security. The locked house management system praised the performance.

Apart from boosting the wages of the Holland, female migrant maternity leave has been increased from 15 days to three months. Rs 5 lakh compensation for the death of the Hogan and the maximum amount of Rs.2.50 lakh to each under the NTR medical service … These are proofs of the integrity of the Hon’ble Chief Minister to the Chief Minister.

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