Consultation on Tribal Land Governance and Community Driven Model To Secure Land Rights For Tribal

Hyderabad: Centre for Tribal and Land Rights, NALSAR University of Law and Landesa (Rural Development Institute) is organizing a one-day consultation on “Land Governance in Tribal Areas: Issues and Perspectives” at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad on May 18, 2017 at 10:30 a.m.  Azmeera Chandulal, Minister for ST Development, Tourism and Culture, Government of Telangana has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest for the said programme.

The consultation will primarily deliberate on challenges and issues in land governance in State of Telangana and discuss the possible law, policy and implementation solutions. The consultation programme will also look towards identifying the problems faced by members of the tribal group living in the Scheduled Areas and deliberate upon the methods to implement the provisions of the V Schedule of the Indian Constitution and legislative framework developed for the effective governance of these areas. The Consultation will also discuss the regulatory gaps in implementation of these laws and policies and devise methods to ensure effective execution of the same.

The Minister will also interact with tribals from Puttalpubathi village ( a scheduled village from Mahabubabad District) who have received land titles through the innovative pilot undertaken by NALSAR and Landesa. The pilot involved a Community Driven process to update land records and resolving land disputes.

Through this process 73 tribal families in this village have received secured titles to their land and all the village land records (pahani, 1B register, tippan and other records) were corrected and updated. This unique model costs about 1 lakh rupees per village and if scaled across the state with a total cost of 100 crores (1lakh rs. X 10800 revenue villages) has the potential to provide secured titles about a million rural households in Telangana.

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