125 International Passengers Test Positive In Amritsar

January 06: As many as 125 passengers of a flight from Italy tested positive after landing in Punjab’s Amritsar this afternoon.

There were 179 passengers, including 19 children, on the chartered flight from Milan that arrived in Amritsar around 1.30 pm. The flight made a technical halt at Tbilisi (Georgia), according to officials. It was reportedly operated by EuroAtlantic Airways, a Portuguese company.

All adult passengers were tested on arrival as Italy is one of the high risk countries for Omicron, according to the Union Health Ministry.

The passengers who are Covid positive will be sent to institutional quarantine.

There has been a huge spurt in Covid cases across the country.

The country today reported over 90,000 new cases — a steep 65 per cent jump – with a surge in Omicron cases. Punjab has reported two Omicron cases so far.

Chaotic visuals from the Amritsar airport showed a large number of passengers waiting to leave and policemen trying to control the crowd. Many of the passengers questioned why they tested positive after Covid negative results in Italy.

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