Osmania University Celebrated Mir Osman Ali Khan
Hyderabad, April 6 (Maxim News): The Faculty members, Non-Teaching Staff members, Students, and Research Scholars celebrated the birthday of Mir Osman Ali Khan, the founder of a century-old Osmania University today.
Prof. Chinta Ganesh welcomed all the members to the program. In his message, he appreciated the great idea of the foundation of a vernacular university in 1917 A.D. He said the wonderful Arts College stands as the symbol of social, equality and great human values.
Prof. Syeda Talath Sultana, Head, Dept. of Arabic and Executive Council Member, glorified the constructive ideas of Mir Osman Ali Khan. She appreciated the beauty of the Arts College building.
Prof.G.Anjaiah in his message appreciated the great contribution of Mir. Osman Ali Khan for the all-around development of Hyderabad State. He also said that Education, Medical Care, Water, Transportation, etc. are Mir Osman Ali Khan’s priorities.
Dr.Premaiah, Faculty member, Dr.Tajunnisa, Dr.Mayadevi, Head, Dept. of Hindi, and other faculty paid glorious tribute to Mir Osman Ali Khan, Prof.Bala Bharmachary, Prof.Aruna Jyothi (Public Administration), Prof.S.Kamalakara Sharma, BoS, Dept. of Telugu, Dr.C.S.Swathi, Head, Dept. of Linguistics, Dr.K.Balu Naik, Vice-Principal, Hostels, O.U., Dr.Shivanand Y, Non-Teaching Staff participated in the program. (Maxim News)