Transport Dept Employees Condemns Attack On Commissioner, Calls State-Wide Protest

Hyderabad, June 28 (Maxim News): The Transport Department employees condemning the recent attack on Hyderabad Joint Transport Commissioner Ramesh which took place on Thursday, called a state-wide “pen down” protest on Friday.

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Transport Commissioner Ramesh  

On Thursday evening, Amanullah Khan, the leader of the auto-rickshaw union allegedly lost his cool and assaulted Joint Transport Commissioner Ramesh while discussing the fare meters in autos. He allegedly slapped the officer when the two were in the cabin.

Transport Dept Employees Condemns Attack On Commissioner, Calls State-Wide Protest
Transport Dept Employees Condemns Attack On Commissioner, Calls State-Wide Protest

The incident sparked outrage in the department and the transport department employees and union leaders have demanded the immediate arrest of Khan.

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Based on Ramesh’s complaint, the Hyderabad police booked a case against Amanullah Khan and arrested him. He was produced before the court and remanded in judicial custody at the prison. 

Meanwhile, Transport officials called for pen down as a mark of protest and solidarity with Commissioner Ramesh.

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They gathered at office premises and raised slogans demanding justice and ensuring the safety of all colleagues. Such an act of violence against a senior officer is unacceptable and must be met with swift justice, the protestors said. 

They demanded strict punishment for Amanullah Khan.  (Maxim News) 

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