Medico Committed Suicide Due To Stress

karimnagar/Hyderabad, July 28 (Maxim News): A young woman committed suicide by hanging herself under mental stress because it was difficult to study MBBS.

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This incident which took place in Karimnagar on Saturday is that Komalla Prahlada Rao and Padmaja from Vidyanagar in Karimnagar are working in a private medical college in the city. Daughter Komalla Sirisha (20) is also studying in the second year of MBBS in the same college.

But many times sirisha told her parents that studying is difficult.  No matter how many times I told them, the parents did not listen.  Due to this, Sirisha came from the college on Saturday morning and hanged herself with a fan at home.

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When the mother Padmaja came home in the afternoon, she was worried to see her daughter upset.  With the help of locals, the doctors confirmed that Sirisha was already dead when she was rushed to the government hospital. On the complaint of the father Prahalad Rao, the Karimnagar Two Town Police is investigating the case. (Maxim News)

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