AOC-IN-C, Training Command Visits College of Air Warfare

Secunderabad, 29 Jan: Air Marshal Manavendra Singh PVSM AVSM VrC VSM ADC, Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Training Command, Indian Air Force visited College of Air Warfare (CAW), Secunderabad on 29 Jan 2022. The AOC-in-C was received by Air Vice Marshal KSK Suresh, VM, Commandant CAW.

The Air Marshal was briefed on the role of the College of Air Warfare as a premier institution of higher defence learning and about the wide range of courses conducted for officers of the three services including officers from friendly foreign countries. The Commandant, CAW also highlighted that the relentless pursuit of quality knowledge and promotion of jointmanship amongst officers of all the three services was encouraged at the College.

The Air Marshal addressed all the officers and sensitised them on various aspects affecting national security. He also urged the officers to continue to strive to achieve excellence in every facet of training at the College and uphold the ethos and credo of the armed forces. During interaction appropriate Covid protocols as laid down by Govt of India. 

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