Arrangements For Republic Day Celebrations To Be Made As Per Centre Guidelines

Hyderabad, Jan 25 (Maxim News): The High Court of Telangana has given a strong slap against the BRS government headed by Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao issuing interim orders stating that the Republic Day celebrations should be held officially and also following the guidelines given by the Central government.

A lengthy argument took place in the Court today on a petition filed by a common man named Srinivas. The High Court questioned the government as to why the Republic Day celebrations were restricted to Raj Bhavan, do you follow the guidelines given by the Center?

The Counsel for the petitioner and Advocate General for the government on the other hand heard the arguments of both sides and said that the guidelines given by the Central government should be followed. Also, the Court agreed with the arguments of the lawyer for the petitioner that it is not appropriate to give Covid as a reason for the Republic Day celebrations and issued orders to this extent. The court made it clear that the government must organize the celebrations with a parade ground and the government should decide where to organize, the Court said that Republic Day is being celebrated in the High Court. (Maxim News)

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