A shocking incident occurred when a 21-year-old Tamil Nadu man allegedly killed his friend after an altercation over who played better cricket, Virat Kohli or Rohit Sharma. Since then, the hashtag “#ArrestKohli” has become very popular on Twitter.
There reportedly was a drunken brawl between two friends, one of whom was a Tamil Nadu-based fan of Virat Kohli and the other a supporter of Rohit Sharma. A fan of Rohit Sharma was killed as a result of the fight.
Taking to Twitter, one user wrote, “Wth is that #ArrestKohli why you all are trending this it’s not a mistake of #KingKohli and #RohitSharma they represent their country and gives their 100% and when a player in the same team they play for a country not for the individual we all had to realize it #GOAT.”
Another user commented, “At least have common sense while trending this, how is Kohli responsible for his death? At least use some brains while trending, this is why even this indigestible death happened, stop comparing with the stats, and don’t forget they belong to the same team in India. #ArrestKohli.”
“Such a ridiculously appalling incident happened where a friend killed his friend while went out for a drink. what happened to this generation? Just going senseless, going blind. And who r they that r blaming Kohli for this and r proud to trend #ArrestKohliBetter to awaken yourself!!” a third user said.
“Netizens are trending #ArrestKohli on Twitter as a #ViratKohli fan murdered a #RohitSharma fan in Tamilnadu. But, why Virat should be arrested? Did he kill that guy? No na!! Then…I pray to God to put some kinda brain with certain knowledge to the minds of these crooks,” a user commented.
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