Andhra Pradesh High Court on Tuesday issued a verdict of the state election commissioner Nimmagadda Ramesh Kumar's petition against the government over non-cooperation with the Election Commission. The court has believed that the government…
Coronavirus cases in Andhra Pradesh has seen a drastic fall on Monday. In the latest health bulletin released by the state Department of Health, as many as 1919 new Coronavirus cases reported as on Monday morning taking the total tally to…
Amaravati: Former Finance Minister and senior TDP leader Yanamala Ramakrishnudu slammed the YSRCP Government for pushing Andhra Pradesh into neck-deep debts in just one and half years of its misrule, corruption and misgovernance, in a…
The petition over Andhra Pradesh three capitals was heard in the state High Court on Monday. The court dismissed the supplementary petitions and dismissed the petitions seeking the implead them in capital petitions. The Andhra Pradesh High…