Chennai continued to touch the 4-figure mark as it clocked 1013 Coronavirus cases on Friday and the total cases in the state capital inched close to the one lakh mark (99794 cases) today.
Hyderabad, July 31 (Maxim News): Health Minister Etela Rajender today said that Telangana is top in health sector in the country after Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
Hyderabad: Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) on Friday released the results of the second-year inter students who failed in the IPE, March 2020 declaring them as passed under the compartmental category.
Hyderabad: The demolition of the massive structures at the old Secretariat complex has begun here on Friday. The authorities have hired gigantic machinery from Mumbai for demolition of these eight-storeyed buildings, which is likely to…
Hyderabad: Telangana on Friday reported 1,986 coronavirus positive cases and 14 deaths due to the deadly virus. The overall positive cases stood at 62,703 while the deaths at 519. As many as 816 persons recovered from the virus and…