CM Revanth Paid Tributes To The Mortal Remains Of DS 

Nizamabad/Hyderabad, June 30 (Maxim News): Chief Minister Revanth Reddy paid tribute to the body of senior Congress leader D. Srinivas. CM Revanth reached the residence of DS in Nizamabad on Sunday morning to pay his respects and, after paying tribute, consoled the family members of DS.

CM Revanth Paid Tributes To The Mortal Remains Of DS
CM Revanth Paid Tributes To The Mortal Remains Of DS

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CM Revanth

Speaking on this occasion, CM Revanth remembered DS’s services to the Congress party.  A disciplined worker in the Congress party is said to be DS. He was praised for playing a vital role in the Development of DS who worked in various capacities.  He said DS has a lot of initiative in the formation of Telangana state.  The Chief Minister said that he played a key role in convincing Sonia Gandhi.  He said that he was appointed as PCC President twice because of his good thinking and performance.  (Maxim News) 

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