Congress Candidates receiving a tremendous response in the Old City

Hyderabad, November 22: Hyderabad DCC President Sameer Waliullah on Wednesday that the Congress has intensified its campaign in all constituencies in the Old City of Hyderabad.

“In the last leg of the campaign for the Assembly elections, we are making all efforts to reach every voter in the Old City with the message of the Congress party that we will bring much-needed change. We are distributing the guarantee cards and a copy of our manifesto “Abhay Hastham” with a request to the people to take the right decision of voting for Congress candidates,” Sameer Waliullah said while interacting with media persons after participating in the padayatra organised by Charminar candidate Mujeebullah Shareef.

Sameer Waliullah said that the Congress candidates have been getting tremendous responses in all the constituencies, especially the Charminar and Malakpet constituencies. “We were successful in highlighting the blatant neglect of the Old City by the BRS government and MIM. People are complaining about insufficient basic civic amenities, deteriorating infrastructure, a lack of education facilities and public healthcare and rising unemployment among youth. We are giving an assurance to the people that their problems would be resolved only if they elect the right people to represent them in the Assembly,” he said.

The Hyderabad DCC President said that despite representing the Old City areas since 1969, the MIM has failed to resolve problems like roads, drainage, and garbage disposal systems. Due to continued negligence, the Old City’s infrastructure is in a state of disrepair. He said that a lot needs to be done to create employment opportunities for the youth in the Old City.” While we are raising these issues to win people’s support, the MIM leaders are mocking us, doing mimicry, and ridiculing people’s problems,” he said, adding that the next Congress government would take measures to improve the livelihood of people in the Old City. (Maxim News)

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