COVID-19: Woman Hangs Herself After Touching Positive

Hyderabad: A 37-year-old woman was found hanging in her house in an apartment in Alkapur Township in Narsingi late on Sunday. A note was found near the body, asking not to touch her body since she was Covid-19 positive.

The woman, identified as Shilpa, was living with her husband and son and was working as a consultant for a software firm in the city. According to the police, her husband was at home and sleeping in the hall when she is suspected to have hanged herself. She is believed to have been depressed over their financial situation as well.

“We suspect she was having personal problems with her husband and had a huge amount as debt to be repaid,” police said. The Narsingi police, who have registered a case, said a suicide note found near the body said: “Covid positive. Do not touch my body.”

The body was shifted to the Osmania General Hospital morgue for autopsy.

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