Face Masks Sale Rises in Hyderabad

Masks | Hyderabad, April 11 (Maxim News): Amid reports of a rise in Covid-19 cases in different parts of the world including in India, many people have started returning to precautions and start wearing masks again in the city. Though very few people are seen using them, there has been a significant uptick in the sales of masks in the past few days.

“There has been a slight increase in the demand for masks and other Covid-19 safety requirements since the past few days, “No one used to come seeking masks a while ago but we have been selling about 300 pieces of them per day for a few days now, said a chemist in the medical shop. Surgical masks and N95 masks are the most common ones that are available in the market, another one is the cloth mask.

The cloth masks are made with cotton or other breathable material and can be washed or reused. While surgical masks are disposable masks that are commonly used by people, these masks protect against large droplets. (Maxim News)

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