G20 Selfie Point inaugurated at MANUU

Hyderabad, May 10: As part of UGC’s G20 University Connect Programme, Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, Vice Chancellor, MANUU inaugurated a selfie point today at the Centre for Professional Development of Urdu Medium Teachers (CPDUMT) at MANUU.

The Selfie Point is an innovative initiative that encourages students and faculty members to capture and share their experiences at the university through social media platforms. The Selfie Point is designed to be a vibrant spot, providing a backdrop of G20 and University Logos for selfies and group photographs.

Additionally, the Caps, T Shirts and batches with G20 logo prepared by Dr. Yousuf Khan, Principal MANUU Polytechnic, Hyderabad were also launched. The University officials, teachers, staff members and students were present on the occasion.

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