Hyderabad: OGH Doctors Boycott Elective Duties

Hyderabad: Nearly 120 PG medicos and 40 house surgeons from the General Surgery department of Osmania General Hospital (OGH), who are demanding more operation theatres, have decided to boycott their elective duties from Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the medicos representing Telangana State Junior Doctors Association (TJUDA), OGH served strike notices to OGH Superintendent Dr Nagender, demanding their issues be addressed within the next 48 hours, failing which they would boycott emergency duties.

The General Surgery medicos are demanding more Operation Theatres (OTs) to take up elective surgeries at OGH. The old heritage building, which was recently vacated after being inundated with rainwater, had six OTs for General Surgery department. The General Surgery wing was shifted to the Quli Qutb Shah building and at present, the department has one OT.

“On a daily basis, we receive nearly 200 in-patients who need surgical interventions. But we have only one OT, which we have to share with other medical departments. No elective surgeries are taking place due to this. The management has to resolve the issue and till then we will continue to boycott electives,” JUDA members said.

Meanwhile, Dr Nagender said alternative arrangements were being taken up to ensure that outpatient and inpatient facilities were not affected by the protest.

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