Hyderabad’s Water Board Takes Action To Ensure Safe Drinking Water

Hyderabad: The Metropolitan Water Board has said it would take up a three-step chlorination process to ensure the drinking water has 0.5 ppm of chlorine that is used to disinfect drinking water.

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In the first step, chlorination would be carried out at the water treatment plants and, in the second, at the main balancing reservoirs and finally at the service reservoirs before the water is supplied to households.

Hyderabad's Water Board Takes Action To Ensure Safe Drinking Water
Hyderabad’s Water Board Takes Action To Ensure Safe Drinking Water

In addition to this, the board will distribute over seven lakh chlorine tablets in slums, especially in low-lying areas that get inundated and places where water contamination is reported, according to the HMWS&SB monsoon plan.

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