International Women’s Day Celebrations At GHMC Headquarters
Hyderabad, March 11: Mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi, Deputy Mayor Srilatha Shobhan Reddy, Additional Commissioners Nalini Padmavathy, Geeta Madhuri, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Padmaja and others participated in the celebrations held at the GHMC headquarters on Monday to celebrate International Women’s Day.
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In the meeting organized on this occasion, the Mayor spoke as the chief guest and said that when women support women, the advancement of women will be realized. When the child’s nutrition is not proper, the mother is called instead of the father, women should be humble no matter how grown up they are. He said that women have respect in the society. Mayor said that women are ahead of men in all fields. GHMC is proof of women empowerment. The mayor said that women should be motivated by taking inspiration from Savitribai Phule, Fatima and Indira Gandhi. He said that Women’s Day is being celebrated to achieve women’s empowerment and economic self-reliance. He said that many achievements and greatness achieved by women in the social, political and economic fields are taken as inspiration for encouraging others on the platform of Women’s Day.

Additional Commissioner Nalini Padmavati said… women are progressing equally with men in all fields.
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Deputy Mayor Srilata Shobhan Reddy, Additional Commissioner Geeta Madhuri, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Padmaja Manhani employees participated in this meeting.
Earlier, Mayor Gadwal cut the cake on the occasion of Vijayalakshmi Women’s Day. 15 sanitation workers were honored. After that, the mayor had lunch together with the sanitation workers. Deputy Mayor Srilata Shobhan Reddy, GHMC Commissioner Ronald Rose, Additional Commissioners and others participated in this joint lunch.
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