IT Officials Orders Malla Reddy To Appear On Nov 28

Hyderabad, Nov 24 (Maxim News): The searches of the Income Tax officials at the residence of the Minister for Labour and Employment Ch. Malla Reddy have ended. The inspections which continued for two days were completed today morning. The IT officials issued notices to Malla Reddy and ordered him to appear before them on Nov. 28

On the other hand, a high drama took place near Malla Reddy’s residence throughout the night. Both the IT officials and Malla Reddy have complained to the Police. Malla Reddy alleged that the authorities were spreading lies with false information and forced his son to sign. A complaint was filed against an IT officer named Ratnakar at Bowenpally police station. At the same time, the IT officials complained about the behaviour of Malla Reddy. It is mentioned in the complaint that they are not cooperating with the inspections. In the complaint, they alleged that the laptop was taken away from them while they were examining it and that they were obstructing their duties.

Malla Reddy denies any links with casino dealer and alleged that the IT officials were torturing him by forcing his son who was in the hospital to sign. he said that the IT officials have written all the lies regarding the medical college. He alleged that his son was being treated in the hospital but was forced to sign.

He demanded that the papers signed by his son should be given immediately as not even a single rupee was found in the IT searches. (Maxim News)

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