Kavitha slams PM Modi over PR against women empowerment

Hyderabad, June 10: MLC Kalvakuntla Kavitha on Friday came down heavily on BJP government at Centre and stated that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi should stop their PR against women empowerment when they hide truth behind “extravagant publicity.”

Kavitha, who is often vocal about women’s issues, said that the Central government must address their “utter failure” with controlling price rise, which directly affects lower middle-class women.

She stated that PM and the entire BJP government should for sheer respect for women stop their PR against women empowerment, when they continue to hide the truth behind extravagant publicity.

“The BJP government should also then apologise to our Anganwadi sisters, for slashing their budget by 50%. Anganwadi sisters have shielded the villages from COVID-19 waves and have been working hard to increase nutrition levels of mother and children,” she said.

It is reported that Prime Minister Modi on Thursday shared the details of various articles about the government’s initiative towards women empowerment.

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