Prof. Ramesh Mishra Of UoH Awarded Science Diplomacy Fund By NWO

Hyderabad, May 21 (Maxim News): Prof. Ramesh Mishra, faculty at Centre for Neural and Cognitive Sciences (CNCS), University of Hyderabad (UoH) and Prof. Neils Schiller (Leiden University, The Netherlands) have been awarded the Science Diplomacy Fund by NWO which is the National Research Council of Netherlands.

The objective of the fund is to develop diplomatic relations between the two countries pertaining to scientific research and policy-making. The focus will be on multilingualism and its consequences on education and economy. Several activities such as conferences and visits will be initiated as part of the fund after assessing the international travel situation in the world.

Prof Mishra and Prof. Schiller earlier were awarded the ASEM-DUO India award. Prof. Mishra is an editorial board member of the prestigious international journal Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Cambridge University Press. His most recent book in the area of multilingualism was published by Springer Nature. (Maxim News)

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