Raja Singh Raises Gudumba Makers Plight In House

Hyderabad, March 7 (Maxim News): BJP MLA Raja Singh tried to corner the State government on various issues in the Assembly on Saturday.

Participating in thanksgiving motion to the Governor, Raja Singh invoked the name of the Central government in all the topics raised by him and claimed that most of the schemes being implemented by the State government were actually funded by the Centre. Commenting on the KCR Kits scheme, he asked the state government about the contribution of the Centre in its implementation.

However, the leader of the house and Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao signaled in negative at Raja Singh to indicate that there was no contribution of the Central government in the implementation of the scheme. The ruling party MLAs also followed their leader and raised their hands stating that there was no contribution of the Centre for the implementation of the scheme.

Commenting on the gudumba makers, Raja Singh alleged that the Chief Minister had forgotten about the gudumba makers after making tall claims that he knew about their lives. Singh reminded the CM that he had also promised to visit the Dhoolpet area predominantly resided by the gudumba makers, but failed to keep his promise. Stating that the Chief Minister might not have time for the gudumba makers, he said there was no mention of the financial aid extended to the gudumba makers for their rehabilitation in the Governor’s speech.

Citing that several people have sacrificed their lives for the formation of separate Telangana State, he alleged that some people were claiming that they were alone responsible for the formation of the State. Singh said although the Governor’s address talked about the financial aid given to the family members of Telangana martyrs and jobs to their family members, it did not talk about the total number of jobs given to them.

Raising the issue of the farmers in the State, he said it would have been better if Rs 10 lakh was given as compensation to the farmers, who committed suicides due to varied reasons in the State instead of the present Rs 5 lakh. He also said there was no data about the total number of dead farmers and the compensation given to them in the State. (Maxim News)

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