Telangana Police has prevented TPCC Chief Revanth Reddy from going to the Martyrs Stupa. Blocking Revanth Reddy in the name of the Election code created a stir.
During the Modi Kesari Dangal (wrestling) competitions at Bashirbagh LB Stadium, a fight broke out between two Pahilwans, causing intense tension. The argument between the two wrestlers escalated, leading to a physical altercation.
Arrangements for Vinayaka immersions have been completed under Tri Commissionerates. The police are making arrangements to ensure that the immersion goes smoothly with the coordination of various government departments.
During his appearance at ACB court in Vijayawada on Sunday morning, Chandrababu testified before Magistrate Himabindu. He disclosed that, while in CID custody, he underwent medical examinations and tests at Vijayawada Government Hospital,…
Hyderabad: The Telangana Narcotics Department officials on Sunday arrested A SI who tried to sell the drugs seized from the accused. Rajender, who previously worked as Raidurgam SI, was caught red-handed by ACB in a corruption case.