Hyderabad: A bribe amount of more than Rs.1.10 crore was seized from the Keesara Tahsildar Erva Balaraju Nagaraju after a trap was laid by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) here on Friday night and caught him red-handed.
When reports last came in, ACB officials were counting the money at the residence of the Tahsildar in AS Rao Nagar with a currency note counting machine. The bribe was mostly in Rs.500 denomination notes.
The ACB officials said the counting of currency notes followed by the searches would continue till Saturday morning.
The amount was said to be given to the Tahsildar for allegedly doing an official favour in connection with an issue related to 28 acres of land in Rampally Dayara with Ch. Srinath, a realtor of Sri Satya Developers and another realtor K Anji Reddy.
Apart from Nagaraju’s residence, the ACB officials searched his office premises also. Sources said a Village Revenue Officer (VRO) B. Sairaj was also detained in connection with the case.
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