Telangana Budget: No Increase To Aasra Pensioners

Hyderabad, Feb 6 (Maxim News): The Minister for Finance, T. Harish Rao has not given any increase to the beneficiaries of Aasra Pensioners in the jumbo budget of Rs. 2.90 lakh crore presented in the Assembly, though claim in the speech that the Telangana government has allocated a lion’s share of its resources to welfare programs.

Since the formation of the Telangana state, the ruling BRS government was criticizing the previous government for giving negligible monthly pensions. The Telangana government has increased the Aasra Pensions to Rs. 2016 and for physically challenged people to Rs. 3,016

Harish Rao showing his sympathies says that the government knows the difficulties of people, the Aasara pension of Rs. 2,016 per month only including to the Bidi workers, single women, filaria patients, and dialysis patients, he said such a promise is not in the manifesto, still, it is giving.

In a budget speech, the Finance Minister said that the number of pensioners was only 29,21,828 in the year 2014, now it has increased to 44,12,882, towards their pension, the government is incurring an expenditure of Rs. 11,628 crores per annum, though it is the meager amount in the jumbo budget of Rs. 2.90 lakh crore He said as promised in the last budget, Aasara pensions are being made available to all the eligible people, who have crossed the age of 57 years. Accordingly, 8,96,592 people have been sanctioned Aasara pensions in 2022. (maxim News)

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