Telangana: SSC Exams To Start From May 17

Schools reopening from Feb 1 for Classes IX and X likely to have 89 working days

Hyderabad: After face-to-face classes, both offline and online, spread over nearly three months, students of Class X might appear for the SSC Exams from May 17. The School Education Department in its academic calendar for 2020-21 has proposed to hold Class X examinations from May 17 to 26.

Schools across the State, which will reopen for physical classwork for Classes IX and X from February 1, are likely to have 89 working days including examinations with the last working day to be on May 26. Summer vacation is likely to be from May 27 to June 13. The department has sent this proposal and is awaiting approval from the State government.

As per the calendar, project-work and assignments up to 30 per cent of the syllabus will be completed by students at home under guidance of teachers and parents. This syllabus will not be part of internal assessments and year-end summative assessment/board examinations. The remaining 70 per cent will be taught offline and online as well.

The first Formative Assessment (FA1) is likely to be done by March 15 followed by the FA2 by April 15. The summative assessment is planned from May 7 to 13.

Every student, who is willing to write the exam, is to be allowed to do so without insisting on minimum attendance. No student is to be withheld from writing examinations on any grounds, the department has said.

In view of the Covid-19 pandemic, online/digital classes are on from September 1 last year. A total of 204 working days including 115 days from September 1 to 2020 to January 30, 2021 (online/digital classes) and 89 days (online and offline) from February 1, 2021 to May 26 have been calculated by the department. Digital classes for Classes X will be transmitted from 10 am to 11 am and for Class IX, from 4 pm to 5 pm.

When schools reopen, physical classes will be from 9.30 am to 4.45 pm whereas in Hyderabad and Secunderabad, the timings are from 8.45 am to 

Telangana: SSC Exams To Start From May 17

4 pm.

“This is a proposal which is yet to be approved by the State gove

rnment. The government might take a different view on the aca

demic calendar,” an official said.

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