Telangana Was Administered By Previous BRS Govt Like An Estate Of Private Landlord: Bhatti

Hyderabad, July 25 (Maxim News): Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minster Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka while presenting the budget 2024-25 in the Assembly this afternoon said that the State of Telangana has formed with a lot of sacrifices of the people in the name of Funds, Employment, and Water has not achieved any progress in the last 10 years of BRS rule.  The previous rulers who promised to transform Telangana into “Bangaru Telangana” failed miserably on all fronts.

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Development aside, the welfare of the people suffered and the state got mired in debt. The debts which were at Rs.75,577 Crores at the time of state formation grew by leaps and bounds in 10 years and reached a humongous figure of Rs.6,71,751 Crores. However, there was no commensurate development. The basis for the agitation for
statehood was that Telangana was deprived of its share of water, financial resources and employment opportunities. It’s time for us to look back and seek answers on the realisation of the said demands.

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Telangana’s share of water resources should be effectively used by the state for both drinking and irrigation needs of the state. However, this did not materialize due to wrong policy decisions of the previous government. Irrigational projects could not deliver the expected benefits due to faulty designs and sub-standard constructions. Instead of focusing on maximising the benefits to the state through irrigation projects, they focused on spending money for the benefit of a few. Consequently, the problems in irrigation remained as they were earlier. The state was
pushed into a state where it could not use its own water resources efficiently. Our government is committed to take immediate necessary steps to rectify the situation along with construction of better projects.

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 Coming to the issue of funds, the previous Government has gathered substantial funds through various means i.e., through Taxes, through debts and other sources. However, there is no correlation between the amounts spent and the progress achieved. On one hand debts have ballooned and on the other hand bills to be paid kept on piling, pushing the state’s economy into a precarious situation. Unfortunately, we have inherited a legacy of a badly run and maintained state economy. The State was administered like an estate of a private landlord.

A bountiful State at the time of bifurcation was reduced to a pathetic state on account of the huge loan burden. It has reached such a sad state that paying salaries and pensions to employees and pensioners was a big challenge in itself. Because of this in-disciplined attitude and administration of the previous regime people across all sections faced the ill effects and suffered immensely. It was a huge challenge for the newly formed Congress Government to manage the state which was in financial shambles.

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However, we started our administration by controlling frivolous expenditures and with a sense of financial discipline. We made an attempt to streamline the system and to pay the salaries and pensions in a timely manner to 3.69 lakh government employees and 2.87 lakh pensioners from March 2024. This was a first baby step for a better administration.

Our Government released a white paper in December, 2023 as per which the state had a loan burden of Rs.6,71,757 crores as on the date of formation of the new Government. We focused our immediate attention on the repayment of the loans even though they were passed on to us by the irresponsible previous Government.

Since the formation of our Government, we have raised loans of Rs.35,118 crores, whereas we have repaid loans of Rs.42,892 crores. In effect, we have repaid a higher amount of Rs.7,774 crores than the loans we have raised and demonstrated our sincerity to the people. The previous Government has reduced the Government to such a sad state that loans had to be raised to repay loans.

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In spite of the extremely difficult financial situation we were in, our Government never ignored the welfare of the people. We have spent Rs.34,579 crores on various schemes from December till
date. We have introduced the Maha Lakshmi Scheme in which women were provided free transportation in RTC buses. We are also providing free electricity up to 200 units, assistance to farmers under Rythu Bharosa, subsidy on rice, etc., apart from the expenditure on schemes we have also made a capital expenditure of Rs.19,456
crores. For the first time on February 10th, 2024 after ten years of formation of Telangana, our Government has presented a realistic and planned budget. (Maxim News)

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