TRS terms Bandi Sanjay’s yatra an utter flop

Hyderabad, Sept.23 (NSS): TRS MLA KP Vivekananda said there was no response for BJP State unit president Bandi Sanjay’s fourth phase of Praja Sangrama Yatra and termed Sanjay’s yatra as an utter flop.

Speaking at a press conference here on Friday, Vivekananda along with MLC Yegge Mallesham said that people were not showing any interest in meeting with Bandi Sanjay during the yantra and the BJP leader was unable to mention even a single good thing done by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the welfare of people.

Since the Prime Minister has not done anything to the country during the last eight years, Bandi Sanjay promises to continue all welfare schemes of the TRS government if the BJP is voted to power in Telangana, TRS MLA said.

Lashing out at Union Minister of State for Rural Development Niranjan Jyothi who alleged during the public meeting in Hyderabad on Thursday marking the completion of the fourth phase of Praja Sangrama Yatra that corruption and non-implementation of central schemes have become the hallmark of the TRS government, the TRS MLA questioned the Union Minister as to how her ministry has announced 13 awards to Telangana if her claim of corruption was true in the State.

He alleged that the Union government was misusing the constitutional bodies, including Governor, and the investigation agencies like CBI, ED, and Income Tax were being used against the opposition parties for gaining political benefits.

“Now, the country needs a Telangana model, not the fake Gujarat Model,” Vivekananda said. (NSS)

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