TS corona recovery rate shows positive sign

The ever improving recovery rate of coronavirus positive cases is an encouraging sign for Telangana which otherwise has been saddled with a fluctuating rate of new infections in its fight against SARS-CoV-2.

While reducing the rate of new infections is important, an improvement in recovery rates too is vital as it indicates that there was less dependence on ventilators, healthcare system was not overloaded, positive cases were detected early and proper treatment was made available to the patients. So far, since first Covid-19 case was reported on March 2, not once the Gandhi Hospital with a capacity of 1,400 beds was overrun by demand and supply shortage.

While there has been an up and down trend in the number of positive cases, one thing that has remained consistent in Telangana is the rate of Covid-19 patients recovering and going home.

At present, the overall recovery rate of coronavirus positive cases in the country is 26.6 per cent and Telangana finds itself in an unenviable position with a recovery rate of 44 per cent. Only Kerala and Tamil Nadu are the other two States that have better recovery rates than Telangana in the country.

At present, there are nine States that have reported more than 1,000 coronavirus cases and in terms of recovery rates, Telangana is second among all such States after Tamil Nadu, which has a recovery rate of 51 per cent.

Drawing attention to the recovery rates, Health Minister, E Rajender on Friday had said that it was due to the hard work of health care workers that State is able to help patients recover.

“There are close to 550 active cases at Gandhi Hospital who are receiving treatment out of which, barring just a few patients, majority are stable. More patients will be discharged in the coming days, all thanks to our doctors, nurses and other health care workers,” he said.

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