WATCH | Woman Staves Off Attack By 15 Stray Dogs In Hyderabad

Hyderabad: A woman was attacked by 15 stray dogs during her morning walk in Chitrapuri Hills in Hyderabad’s Manikonda. The attack occurred around 6 am, and a video of the incident has gone viral on social media.

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The video shows the woman swinging her hands vigorously in the air and trying to keep the dogs away. At one point during the ordeal, she fell to the ground but promptly got back on her feet and used a slipper to fend off the aggressive dogs.

Local authorities have been alerted to the incident and locals have called for increased measures to address the stray dog problem in the area.

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The locals have urged officials to take immediate action to ensure the safety of residents, particularly those who engage in outdoor activities during the early morning hours.

Following the incident, the woman’s husband took to social media to highlight the dangers posed by stray dogs in the colony. In a video, he expressed his relief that his wife survived the attack and urged residents to stop feeding street dogs within the colony premises.

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He suggested that any feeding should take place outside the gate to minimize the risk of similar incidents occurring in the future. “She was lucky to survive,” he remarked in his video, raising a poignant question about the safety of children in the area. “What if small children face similar attacks from these stray dogs?” he said.

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