Bihar: Man Bitten Twice by Snake Bites Back Thrice; Snake Dies

Hyderabad, July 6 (Maxim News):  A 35-year-old man named Santosh Lohar, a Railway worker, was bitten by a cobra while sleeping at his base camp in Rajauli in Nawada, Bihar on Tuesday.

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Instead Of A Thought Of Dread, He Bit The Snake Back Thrice To Neutralize The Venom 

Talking to the media, Santosh said, ” I believed a local belief that if the snake bites you once, you should bite it twice, and if it bites twice you bite it thrice to neutralize the poison, and that worked.” 

Despite the superstitions, the snake being venomous, Lahor’s colleagues admitted him to Rajauli sub-division hospital.  Doctors treated Lohar promptly, keeping him under observation overnight.  Santosh recovered quickly and was discharged on Wednesday, much to the relief of his coworkers and family.  (Maxim News)

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