Big Basket Warehouse License Suspended Due to Expired Food and Storage Violations

Big Basket | Hyderabad, May 24th: The GHMC Food Safety team conducted an inspection at a Big basket warehouse in Masjid Banda, Kondapur, uncovering several concerning violations.

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Expired Food Items:

Expired chicken masala, chicken sausages, pizza cheese, paneer, ice creams, and almond fudge were found.

The expiry dates ranged from October 2023 to April 2024, indicating these products were being stored and potentially sold well past their safe consumption window.

Big Basket Warehouse License Suspended Due to Expired Food and Storage Violations
Big Basket Warehouse License Suspended Due to Expired Food and Storage Violations

Big Basket Improper Storage:

Leaking edible oil was discovered contaminating other food items on a lower storage rack. This poses a serious health risk as contaminated food can lead to illness.

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Milk bottles (10), milkshake bottles (5), and Sting tins (50) were not stored according to the manufacturer’s recommended conditions. Improper storage can affect the quality and safety of food products.

Food and non-food items were found stored together, raising concerns about potential contamination.
In light of these violations, the GHMC Food Safety team has issued a notice to Bigbasket and suspended the warehouse license until further orders.

This action highlights the importance of proper food storage and handling practices to ensure consumer safety.

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