CAG Report Exposed The Facts On The Kaleshwaram Project

Hyderabad, Feb 15 (Maxim News): The Telangana government has tabled the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) Report in the Assembly. CAG has prepared a report on the Kaleswaram project. The CAG said in its report that the estimated cost has been increased to Rs. 1,06,000 crores while Rs. 63,352 crores were shown in the Detailed Project Report (DPR)

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Till the current construction, there is a commitment of 14 lakh acres.  Rs. 1,47,427 crores will be spent till the completion of this project.  It has been revealed that the annual costs of the project are low.  According to the CAG report, an estimated income of Rs. 1019 crores was obtained from the sale of Kaleshwaram water.  Huge loans were taken for the project. 

The agreement has been made to raise Rs. 87 thousand crores from 15 banks.  The government is more dependent on non-budgetary loans.  It is said that it has delayed paying the loans.   It has been revealed in the report that Rs. 700 crore to Rs. 14,500 crore will be spent every year for the maintenance of the project.  The CAG report said that Kaleshwaram will be completed in 2036 if the debt continues.

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The CAG report on the Panchayat Raj department is that the “Grants have been diverted.  Funds were misappropriated.  dues could not be collected.  Paid high bills for some work.  The records were not submitted on time. “CAG said in the report.  (Maxim News) 

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