Bollywood star and icon Amitabh Bachchan on Sunday offered the definition of a good friend. The actor said a good friend could be compared to white colour and explained why he feels this way.
Shruti Haasan, who celebrates her 35th birthday today, shared a picture from her 35th birthday celebrations and stunning can't even begin to describe it.
Keeping COVID-19 protocols in mind, Varun Dhawan and Natasha reportedly had a limited guest list of 40-50 names. They followed a strict no-phone policy at the wedding and security was increased outside the Alibaug wedding venue - The…
Actor Sonu Sood today visited tank bund and launched the Sonu Sood Ambulance service. The service was started by shiva, who is famous for fishing out dead bodies of those who commit suicides and fall in tank bund accidentally. Sonu…