CPWC Assures Police Support For Peace During Moharram And Bonalu

Hyderabad, July 3 (Maxim News):  The Central Peace and Welfare Committee (CPWC) led by Srikishan Sharma, General Secretary expressed fullest support to the police department for maintaining peace, law, and order during the Moharrum and Bonalu festivals and also assured that they will be readily available day and night on this occasion. 

Moharrum and Bonalu festivals

Nearly 50 office bearers and members of CPWC representing various zones of Hyderabad city participated in the meeting held by the Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad Kothakota Sreenivasa Reddy at TGC&CC, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad in connection with the ensuing Bonalu festival and Moharrum.

Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad appreciated the commitment and hard work put in by the CPWC for the past several decades and requested similar continuous cooperation to maintain the peaceful atmosphere of Hyderabad, which is appreciated across the world


He further requested the committee members for more frequent interactions with the Police Officers and share inputs relating to the various problems and anti-social elements.


In this program, Central Peace & Welfare Committee, Hafiz Muzaffar Hussain, Chief Patron, and all zonal Presidents, Vikram Singh Mann, IPS Addl. CP, Law & Order, Hyd. City and Chairman of the Committee, P.Viswa Prasad, Addl. CP, Traffic, Hyd. City, V.Satyanarayana, Addl. CP, Hqrs. & Trg., Hyd. City, DCsP, and Addl. DCsP of Seven Zones participated. (Maxim News) 

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