Thiruvananthapuram/Hyderabad, Jan 29 (maxim News): Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan has given a new meaning to the word Hindu. He said that all those born here, those who ate the grains here and drank the water of the rivers here are Hindus.
Arif Mohammad Khan who is always in the news has opened another new controversy. He said that educationist Sir Syed Ahmed Khan insisted that he should be called a Hindu. He suggested that he should also be called a Hindu. The new interpretation says that Hindu is not a religious term but a geographical term. All those born and living in India should be called Hindus. He said that they have born in India, eat nuts born in India, and drink the water of the rivers here, such people deserve to be called Hindus.. He said that the British have divided us on the basis of religion/
The Malayali Hindus settled in North America and organized a Hindu Assembly in Thiruvananthapuram. The association was inaugurated by Governor Arif Mohammad Khan. On this occasion, he criticized the BBC documentary, he alleged that those who want to see India in a hundred pieces are upset and that is why they are spreading such evil propaganda. he said that these are the conspiracies of those who want to see our country in darkness.
Arif Mohammad Khan said that India is not a poor country, but outsiders came here because of greed for India’s wealth. It is because of them that by 1947 we had become a symbol of poverty in South Asia, but now the situation has completely changed. Currently, Indians are in high positions in many big multinational companies in the world, and because of this, the world is recognizing India’s potential. (Maxim News)
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