KCR Greets People Happy New Year, Asks Them To Take Pledge

Hyderabad, Dec.31 (Maxim News): Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao today conveyed his greetings to the people of Telangana State on the occasion of 2020 New Year. The Chief Minister said that within a short span of six years of formation of the State, Telangana State stood first in the country in several matters and it is a moment of pride for every one in the State.

The Chief Minister hoped that with the several victories in its kitty and taking inspiration from them, the Telangana State would further march forward in the New year. He called upon the people to take a New Year pledge to make the State a totally literate one. He wanted every educated person to adopt “each one-teach one” slogan and educate the uneducated and literate the illiterate.

The State which was under darkness due to power crisis, became power surplus and offering uninterrupted power supply to all the sectors and free power supply to the farm sector. The State had reached a stage, when the maximum power demand went up to 11,703 MW, power was supplied without any power cuts. The Telangana State in future in the power sector will register more developments and more progress.

The fruits of Mission Bhagiratha are reaching people. The Telangana State became the first state in the country, which has solved the drinking water problem once and for all. ‘Other States are eager to implement Mission Bhagiratha type programs in their respective States. The State was registering wonders in the irrigation sector. We could complete the pending projects on the fast track and were able to supply water to 10 lakh acres in Palamuru district. Works on the Kaleswaram project, considered as the engineering marvel in the world, which stunned the world over, are almost completed.

‘By the coming June we will get cent percent results of the Kaleswaram project. The State will become fertile. Famine will be eradicated permanently from the Telangana State’s soil. The Telangana State became number one as far as implementation of a host of welfare schemes. With several welfare schemes we could provide life security to the poor. We are marching ahead in IT and Industry sectors’, the Chief Minister said.

“It is a blot on the Telangana State that despite leading in several sectors in the country, the State remained backward as far as literacy rate is concerned. This situation is due to the failure of the past rulers, who have failed to educate and literate all the population. The Telangana State should get over this.

‘Let us all take pledge to make the State totally literate on the occasion of new-year. Every educated person should educate the uneducated. During the Telangana Statehood movement, the entire population waged an emotional battle to achieve the goal. We could complete the Comprehensive Family Survey in one day. With the same spirit and inspiration, let us all make efforts to turn the State totally literate State with cent percent literacy. The government will soon start an action plan for the total literacy in the State. Every one should become a stake holder in this and help remove the bad name the state had in the literacy levels there by making the Telangana State, a progressively inclined one,’ the CM gave a call. (Maxim News)

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