In a Tamil film, orphans who are not related to each other die in a series of accidents. The hero, who acts as a detective, inquires deeply into it and the shocking thing unfolds. A gang get insure a large amount of people with false documents and kills them. Insurance can be claimed if people died in the accident and thus crores of rupees can be claimed. Such gang activity in the Nalgonda district is now causing a stir.
A gang that is insuring many people in the tribal areas of Nalgonda district is killing innocent people for that money. In the last three years, five people have been brutally murdered and portrayed as accidents for insurance money. It is learned that two private insurance agents belonging to a gang in the Damaracharla zone played a key role in this scam. Along with them, a total of 17 accused have been arrested and are being investigated by the Nalgonda district SP AV Ranganath for the past few years. An insurance agent is arrested by the police while another accused managed to escape.
The gang members were earlier collecting details of people suffering from illness in remote tribal areas. Family members are persuaded and insured for lakhs of rupees in their name. One or two instalments are also paid by them. For this, an agreement is made with the family members (nominee). A few months later the sick man is killed by the gang members and portrayed as an accident. They take an FIR from the police and claim insurance with its help. Bank staff are also managed with bribes, along with third-party members who come to trial. The gang members give 20 per cent of the money to the nominee and share the rest.
Devireddy Kotireddy of Damaracharla Mandal Kondrapol in Nalgonda district died in a suspicious condition on the Narkatpally-Addanki road a week ago. The wife’s family members believed he had died in a tractor collision. His parents, who saw the large wounds on Kotireddy’s body during the funeral, lodged a complaint with the police.
Kotireddy’s wife was arrested and interrogated by the police. Sensational matters

came to light when the insurance agent who was involved in the murder was arrested and interrogated. It was revealed that the insurance agent had formed a gang and murdered five people over the past three years. It has been revealed that a man in Miryalaguda was insured for Rs 1 crore and is believed to have died in an accident. He gave his wife 20 per cent of the insurance money and the rest was shared by the gang members. In 2018, a man was killed in Guntur with insurance of Rs 50 lakh, police said. The insurance agent arrested in that case came on bail and said he was committing atrocities again.
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