Not Afraid Of ED Or IT, Says Talasani

Hyderabad, Nov 15 (Maxim News): Minister for Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development, Talasani Srinivas Yadav said that they (TRS leaders) will not be afraid of IT or ED.

Reacting to the series of raids by the Central agencies going on the TRs leaders, the Minister alleged that the Central government headed by the BJP are targeting the opposition and added that we will face them. He reminds that these attacks were foreseen by the Chief Minister K.Chandrasekhar Rao much before. He said today the power may be in your hand, tomorrow it may be in our hands, targeted attacks are not appropriate, If anything, it should be dealt with politically, he said that such policies have never been seen in the history of the country.

The Minister made it clear that the TRS leadership is not afraid of targeted attacks and added that all these issues will be taken into the public domain and make the people aware, how the BJP government at Center is misusing the Central Investigating Agencies.

He also informed that the TRS General Body meeting will be conducted on November 27 in which MLAs and MLCs from 15 constituencies will participate. (Maxim News)

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