Hyderabad, Aug.18 (Maxim News): Telangana State Aids control society (TSACS) of Telangana State government has invited applications from candidates for appointment in District centres on contract basis. The posts are: Medical officer -04 posts, councillor -01, pharmacist -01, Staff nurse -26, care coordinator-01, Nutritionist -01, Research fellow (Clinical) /senior medical officer, research fellow (non-clinical) -01, HIV research fellow (non-clinical)-01, ANM-01, data manager -01.
Qualification required: Depending on the post, a pass with specialisation in Intermediate, B.Sc. (nursing), GNM, MBBS, Graduation, PLHIV masters degree, MD. Remuneration: depending on the post, Rs. 9000 to rs. 60,000 per month. Selection the basis of written test and interview. Application should be online.
Application should be handed over in the office of the Medical Superintendent/Director in the district centre. Last date for applications is August 30. Website:https://tsacs.telengana.gov.in (Maxim News)
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