Special Measures For Flood Prevention: 542 Emerging Teams For Removal Of Water Stagnation On War Footing In GHMC

Hyderabad, June 09 (Maxim News): GHMC has set up Monsoon Emergency Teams to take immediate action to prevent floods in the city so that people in low-lying areas do not suffer due to floods and traffic problems.

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During the rainy season GHMC prepares to implement the monsoon plan in advance. During the rainy season, these teams are alerted and measures are taken for flood prevention. GHMC plays a major role in this regard. In addition to this, other branches have come forward during this rainy season. It is gratifying that water stagnation points are identified early and other departments come forward for flood prevention there.

As part of the precautionary measures taken in the city during the rainy season, the Chief Minister of the state has arranged a meeting with all the departments, and the departments attached to the municipal and urban development departments have taken pre-emptive measures during the rainy season and reviewed with those departments to overcome the problems of the people.

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The fire department, water works, police department, and electricity department have come forward. Against this backdrop, steps have been taken to prevent problems in the city due to flood prevention, electricity, and transport systems.

A total of 534 Monsoon Emergency Teams have been set up by GHMC and other departments. Out of this, 157 mobile teams, 242 static teams, 29 teams on CRMP roads, 30 teams on DRF, 13 teams of police department, 41 teams of electricity department, and 22 teams of water works have been organized. Preventive measures are taken to overcome departmental problems without causing any trouble to the people. Currently there are 32 water stagnation points

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There are 125 water stagnation points across the city and a permanent solution has been made to reduce the water in them gradually. At present 32 water logging points have also been taken on war footing to completely remove them by the next monsoon season. GHMC has asked people to cooperate in not littering in Nala.

Besides, steps are being taken to improve the drainage system at water stagnation points during rains. Steps have been taken to store more water and make the sumps bigger so that the water can go faster at the water points. GHMC has paid special attention to the water stagnation point and accordingly the engineering officers are sanctioning such funds as soon as proposals are prepared and sent.

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When it rains, IT company staff should take precautions not to be sent at the same time, similarly, other companies and offices should also take several precautions. GHMC is asking people to come out only if they feel the utmost.

Moreover, the drainage lids should not be opened and should be closed immediately without leaving the lid open during the rainy season. In case of any problems, you can call the call center set up at the GHMC head office. (Maxim News)

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