Woman Murdered at Banjara Hills

Hyderabad: A housewife was murdered allegedly by her husband in Banjara Hills after an argument between them on Saturday night. R Anita, 29, a native of Vikarabad district, was married to R Anil, 33, in the year 2009 and the couple lived at Indiranagar in Banjara Hills.

On Saturday night, Anil picked up an argument with his wife over some issue and hit her on head with a water heater resulting in bleeding injuries. The woman subsequently died in the house, S Kalinga Rao, SHO Banjara Hills, said.

The family members of Anita told the police that Anil frequently beat the victim and demanded she arrange money and property from her parents as he wanted to start a business. On Saturday night also Anil picked up a quarrel with Anita and when she protested and argued with him, he hit her on head with the water heater resulting in injury and death, they alleged.

Basing on a complaint made by the family members, the police registered a case under various Sections of Indian Penal Code and Dowry Prohibition Act 1961. Efforts are on to nab Anil who went absconding after the murder.

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