Santosh Kumar Ready To Prove That ‘Astrology Is Correct’

Hyderabad, Nov.15 (Maxim News): Astrology expert Alluri Santosh Kumar stated today that Astrology can predict the coming events and he is prepared to prove it’s correctness.

Addressing the media at Hyderguda NSS here, Santosh Kumar said that if experts organize a programm, he will prove the efficacy of the subject. He said there was need for extensive propaganda for getting universal recognition for astrology. If adequate propaganda was given to Astrology, it will be accepted throughout the Globe, as in the case of Yoga.

Kumar said he had done research on astrology since the last several years. He said he was prepared to take the birth time and date of 250 children of different castes, communities, regions and predict their future—good, bad, difficulties to be faced, enjoyment of life, etc. (Maxim News)

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