Homemaker Duped Of Rs. 3.6 Lakhs By Fraudsters

Hyderabad, Oct 23 (Maxim News): A homemaker from the city became the latest victim to the designs of cyber crooks and lost Rs. 3.60 lakh in an investment fraud. 

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The 32-year-old woman, who is a homemaker, was contacted by the scammers through a WhatsApp message and was told about an investment opportunity, convincing her that she could earn significant profits.  under their influence, the victim transferred and lost an amount of Rs. 3.6 lakh to the bank account provided by the scammers. 

According to the cybercrime officials, after the money transfer, scammers informed her that the funds were temporarily on hold, but assured her that she could withdraw the money in 15 days.  They insisted she transfer additional funds to ensure a smooth process. 

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However, the victim became suspicious and refrained from making any further payments. 

“Upon inquiry, she discovered that the scammers were using the name and details of a legitimate company, to defraud innocent people.  Furthermore, they were also running a WhatsApp group with 80-100 members,  all seemingly involved in similar fraudulent schemes,” a cybercrime official said. 

To complain against cybercrime, Dial 1930 or visit cybercrime.gov.in, and in case of an emergency of cybercrime frauds, call or WhatsApp on 8712665171.  (Maxim News)

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