Unity Among The People Helped State To Progress: KCR 

Hyderabad, Sept 17 (Maxim News): Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao said the unity of the people of Telangana resulted in rapid progress of the State on all fronts and made the youngest State of India, a role model for others. He said the wheels of progress in Telangana remain unstoppable, notwithstanding the efforts of the anti-progressive forces to obstruct it. 

Our unity is our strength.  Let us work together to achieve Bangaru Telangana.  let us continue the progress of the State, he declared.

Addressing the people of Telangana after hoisting the national flag at Public Garden today, marking the Telangana National Integration Day celebrating the merger of the erstwhile princely State of Hyderabad with the Indian union on September 17, 1948. 

Chandrashekhar Rao said the country got united due to the values promoted by Mahatma Gandhi, the vision of India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, the diplomatic prowess of the first Home Minister, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, and the relentless efforts of various leaders who united the country.  He underscored the importance of recognizing the inspiring efforts of national movement leaders. 

The Chief Minister felt it was fitting to celebrate this historic event as “National Integration Day’ to honor the end of monarchy and the initiation of Parliamentary democratic governance in Telangana.  He reflected on the various struggles and sacrifices made by the people of Telangana throughout history for justice, constitutional rights, and democratic representation. 

He remembered the contributions of numerous leaders, such as Doddi Komuraiah, Chakali Ailamma, Kumaran Bheem, Ravi Narayana Reddy, Shoaibullah Khan, Suravaram Prathap Reddy, Swami Ramananda Thirtha, Jamalapuram Keshavrao, Bandi Yadagiri, Suddala Hanumanthu, Kaloji Narayana Rao and Dasharathi,  all who played pivotal roles in shaping Telangana’s destiny. 

Highlighting the development initiatives and numerous welfare schemes of his government, Chandrashekhar Rao stressed that the Telangana government was dedicated to distributing wealth to those in need.  he reiterated his deep commitment to the State’s development and welfare.  he noted that the comprehensive and integrated development model adopted by Telangana aimed to benefit all sections of society.  He said other states emulating the Telangana government schemes was testimony to the success of this model. 

The Chief Minister stated that there was hardly a family in Telangana that had not benefited from the government schemes, leading to a reduction in poverty and an increase in per capita income.  He said Telangana’s achievements in the power sector, per capita electricity consumption, per capita income, and the provision of clean drinking water to 100 percent households were evidence of the State’s progress.  (Maxim News) 

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