State Share From Central Taxes Increased By 91% For Telangana While AP Got Increased By 158% In Last 8 Years

Delhi/Hyderabad, March 14 (Maxim News): In the last 8 years, after the bifurcation of the state, the State share from Central taxes has been increased by 91 percent for Telangana and 158 percent for Andhra Pradesh.

This means that the GSDP of Andhra Pradesh by over one and half times while the surplus state of Telangana at the time of formation has not been achieved even one time in the last 8 years. This indicates that Andhra Pradesh’s growth after the bifurcation is much higher than in Telangana.

According to the statement released by the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in the Lok Sabha,  in the year 2014 (the year of formation of Telangana state, the amount received by Telangana was Rs. 9,795.40 crores, this has gone up to Rs. 18,720.54 crores in the year 2021-22.  At the same time, Andhra Pradesh received Rs. 13,682.42 crores which increased to Rs. 35,385.83 crore.

Another surprise is that the share distributed to all the states across the country in eight years is Rs. 3,37,808.45 crores and has gone upto Rs. 8,82,903.79 crores (an average increase of 161 percent) The Telangana share of 91 percent proves that Telangana is much behind in development and GSDP comparing to National level.

Another parameter of development compared to Andhra Pradesh is that as per the 14th Finance commission AP received in five years Rs.36,579.71 crores and in the first two years of the 15th Finance Commission Rs. 33,575.66 crores.  While in Telangana during the 14th Finance Commission, it received Rs. 9,788.94 crores and in the first two years of the 15th Finance Commission Rs. 4,985.50 crores has been received. (Maxim News)

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